3rd Grade Thoughts…

I asked the students to write down responses to these three questions:  How did it feel to take your recorder home? Who did you play for?  What did you play?  Here are some responses:

“It felt good to take my recorder home to practice.  I played it for my mom, dad, brothers, and sister.” – Olivia

“”I felt really happy.  I played it for my mom.  My mom said it is good, that I got myself something to be hooked on.”  – Kayson

“I felt good about taking my recorder home because I practiced and got better at it.  I played for my mom.  She gave me notes to play and I played them, like B, A, G.” – Ashley

“I felt so excited that if I were to pick out of a recorder and a car I would pick the recorder.  I love my recorder.” – Bakaima

“I felt happy because it’s cool to own a recorder.  I played for my dog because he’s cute.  I play the recorder because it is the only instrument I have.” – William

” I played for my mom because she is sick, so I played for her.” – Ava


Recorder Karate!

The 3rd graders are learning how to play recorders!  They are “tested” for belts (little pieces of yarn) to tie onto their instruments, trying to get a black belt by the end of the year.

Click here to listen to what they play for white belt:  Recorder White.  For their white belt, they had to play a B, A, and G without squeaking, and use their tongue to start each note.

Click here to listen to what they play for the yellow belt:  Recorder yellow.  It may sound like a simple line of music, but to earn that yellow belt, students have to be able to read B and A on the music staff, as well as play quarter notes, half notes, and whole notes.

Click here to hear Hot Cross Buns with the CD accompaniment, and students playing along.


recorder karate